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The Benefits of Hydrolysed Whey Protein for Performance- Why you should use it.

By Dr. Crionna Tobin, Phd, Optimum Nutrition, Head of Nutrition & Education

Key Points

  • What is hydrolysed whey protein (HWP). Hydrolysed whey proteins are known as the purest form of whey protein and are a specially processed form of whey protein derived from milk.

  • The science behind WPI. During hydrolysis, whey protein is enzymatically or chemically treated to cleave the long protein chains into smaller protein chains or peptides. These peptides are composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

  • The benefits of HWP. Hydrolysed whey protein offers rapid absorption and is beneficial for immediate post-workout repair and muscle growth. It may also be an advantage to individuals with digestive sensitivities as they may find it easier to digest.

  • Who should choose HWP. Elite athletes, endurance athletes, strength and power athletes, recreational athletes, and those with digestive sensitivities can benefit from incorporating Platinum Hydrowhey into their nutrition plans, to help hit daily protein goals. Learn how much protein is required daily to achieve different performance goals by using our Protein Calculator.


Hydrolysed whey proteins are known as the purest form of whey protein and may provide you with the edge required to optimise your performance goals. This article explains what hydrolysed whey protein is, why it is beneficial, and who can reap the rewards of incorporating it into their nutritional regimen.

What is Hydrolysed Whey protein?

Hydrolysed whey protein is a specially processed form of whey protein, a high-quality protein derived from milk. What sets it apart is the hydrolysis process, which breaks down the protein into smaller, more easily digestible peptides, with no excess lactose or fat. This process involves the use of enzymes or heat, and it effectively predigests the protein, making it quick to absorb and gentler on the stomach.

The Science Behind Hydrolysis

During hydrolysis, whey protein is enzymatically or chemically treated to cleave the long protein chains into smaller protein chains or peptides. These peptides are composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. The result is a protein source that requires less digestion, allowing for rapid absorption into the bloodstream.

The benefits of Hydrolysed Whey Protein

1. Rapid Absorption

One of the primary advantages of hydrolysed whey protein is its rapid absorption. The hydrolysis process reduces the protein into smaller particles, allowing the body to digest and absorb it quickly1. This may be important for athletes who need fast delivery of amino acids to the muscle after intense workouts or competitions.

2. Supports Muscle Repair and Growth

Muscle repair is a critical aspect of sports performance. The amino acids in hydrolysed whey protein, particularly leucine, play a vital role in muscle protein synthesis.  While including hydrolysed whey protein in your daily routine is also a convenient option to help you hit your daily protein requirements, the most important factor in promoting recovery. By promoting repair, athletes can train more frequently and intensely, ultimately leading to improved performance over time, along with a progressive training programme. Learn how much protein you require daily to achieve your performance goals by using our Protein Calculator.

3. Reduced Digestive Discomfort

While some athletes benefit from traditional whey protein, others may experience digestive discomfort due to the amount of lactose in the powder. Hydrolysed whey protein is often better tolerated by individuals as it contains a very low level of lactose compared to whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate. This makes it a viable option for a broader range of athletes.

Who Should Consider Using Hydrolysed Whey Protein?

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of hydrolysed whey protein, let’s identify who should consider adding it to their nutrition plan.

1. Elite Athletes

Elite athletes, especially those in sports with high-intensity training and competition schedules, can benefit significantly from supplementing with hydrolysed whey protein. Its rapid absorption and muscle repair properties can help them maintain peak performance levels during training and competitions1, 2. Olympians, professional footballers, and top-level athletes often incorporate hydrolysed whey protein into their diets to gain a competitive edge.

2. Endurance Athletes

Endurance athletes, such as long-distance runners, cyclists, and triathletes, can also benefit from hydrolysed whey protein, such as Platinum Hydrowhey. Their muscles require the same support as strength athletes, particularly during heavy blocks of continuous training. In fact, endurance athletes require the delivery of amino acids to the muscle to support repair but also to support proteins involved in energy production in the muscle cell3. Therefore, fast delivery of amino acids to the muscle around training is important for consistency in training and achieving performance goals.

3. Strength and Power Athletes

Strength and power athletes, including weightlifters, bodybuilders, and powerlifters, often put immense stress on their muscles during training. Platinum Hydrowhey’s ability to deliver amino acids to the muscles fast can be particularly advantageous for this group. It allows for quick muscle repair and growth*, which is essential for muscle building and power gains2.

4. Recreational Athletes

Recreational athletes, such as weekend warriors, fitness enthusiasts, and personal trainers, can also consider incorporating Platinum Hydrowhey’s into their nutrition plans. While they may not have the same training demands as elite athletes, the benefits of faster repair and reduced digestive discomfort can support their overall fitness experience.

5. Individuals with Digestive Sensitivities

Finally, individuals with digestive sensitivities should explore Platinum Hydrowhey as an option. Its lower lactose content and ease of digestion can provide them with a high-quality protein source without the discomfort associated with traditional whey protein.


Hydrolysed whey protein is a valuable tool in the toolkit of athletes and fitness enthusiasts dedicated to improving their performance. Its rapid absorption, muscle repair benefits, and digestive tolerance make it a compelling choice. Elite athletes, endurance athletes, strength and power athletes, recreational athletes, and those with digestive sensitivities can all find value in incorporating hydrolysed whey protein into their nutrition regimens.

Remember, performance nutrition is a personalised journey, and what works best for one athlete may differ from another. Consulting with a sports nutrition expert can help you tailor your nutrition plan to meet your specific needs and goals.

*Protein supports the growth and maintenance of muscle mass in conjunction with weights resistance training


1. Tang, J. E., Moore, et al (2009). Ingestion of whey hydrolysate, casein, or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)107(3), 987–992.

2. Cermak, N. M., et al (2012). Protein supplementation augments the adaptive response of skeletal muscle to resistance-type exercise training: a meta-analysis. The American journal of clinical nutrition96(6), 1454–1464.

3. Lin, Y. N., et al (2021). Protein supplementation increases adaptations to endurance training: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)40(5), 3123–3132.

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