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Nesrine Dally

Muay Thai Boxer

"Muay Thai Boxer"

Nesrine has reshaped and revolutionised the Muay Thai boxing scene, last year she paved the way for women of faith in combative sports, becoming Britain’s first hijabi Muay Thai athlete to compete in Thailand. The multifaceted fighter is set on her mission to change the industry from focusing on what strong looks like to what strong feels like. Nesrine works alongside Nike London, teaching career starters how to become qualified fitness instructors at the Nike training camp in Croydon, and hosts events for women in sports alongside athletes like Ramla Ali. She is an inspiration to women around the globe. Geared with 12 years as a fitness instructor, 9 years as a Muay Thai fighter, a Master degree in Sports Biomechanics and the support of her world champion husband, Salah Khalifa, Nesrine is using her platform to empower women. Together, she and her husband founded Thai Fit London, which provides both mixed and ladies-only classes, to encourage other Hijab-wearing females to step out of their comfort zones and challenge expectations.

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