Get estimated daily protein requirements based on your training goals and expert advice to help you unlock more from your training.
Your estimated daily protein requirements AND carbohydrate, fat and calorie recommendations based on your training goals.
What Optimum Nutrition products are best suited to unlock more from your training and exercise.
Expert tips to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
“ Hitting your daily protein amount is integral to achieving your health and fitness goals”
Stuart Philips
Professor of Kinesiology & Nutrition
We handle your personal information with care. View our PRIVACY STATEMENT to learn how we handle your data.
This calculator is for those aged 18 years and older. The protein calculator is for education purposes only. The calorie and macronutrient recommendations provided by this calculator are ESTIMATES based on independent scientific formula and should only be used as guidelines. We advise that those seeking specific guidelines consult a sports dietician/nutritionist.